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  • How I Grew Lee's List To 1,600 Subscribers

How I Grew Lee's List To 1,600 Subscribers

In the first 90 days of 2024, I grew this newsletter to 1,600+ subscribers, my X to 1,500 followers and my LinkedIn to 4,000 followers.

The total cost was less than $6k, and I have already generated double that in revenue.

Today I’m going to show you exactly how I did it, and how you can do the same…

Why Did I Choose To Launch A Newsletter?

In December I read a tweet that said ‘B2B founders building their personal brands is the future of B2B marketing’.

I believe that to be true.

Then I thought about all the Founders I have seen do it successfully.

Think Sahil Bloom, Nick Huber, Codie Sanchez. They all go hard on building a following on Twitter/LinkedIn, then they drive the traffic to their newsletters. Their newsletter then drives customers to their respective businesses/courses, or they monetise it via ads, or both.

Then a competitor told me that he’d acquired 50% of his clients via Twitter and his newsletter.

That blew my mind.

Then I saw Shaan Puri use his newsletter to very quickly get a tonne of customers for a new business he was launching. I can’t tell you what I’d have given to have an email list like this when launching new businesses in the past.

Whilst I had no interest in becoming ‘internet famous’, I was jealous that these guys had built a content machine that not only provided them with cheap customer acquisition, but they also now have an email list & following that they can utilise forever.

It’s virtually impossible for those guys to fail.

Even if their current business fails, they can use their list to launch something new and get it to $10k MRR overnight.

So I followed suit.

Here are the results from the first 90 days…

Lee’s List subscribers:

281 highly engaged website visitors:

My following on X:

My following on LinkedIn:

The Step By Step Guide

  1. Set up your newsletter on Beehiiv. Create a homepage, create a logo, buy a domain, and create a subscribe page

  2. Create a thank you page so you can use it to track conversions on Meta

  3. Pre-write 5 articles, plus one or two welcome emails. You don’t want to launch and then find yourself on a treadmill you can’t keep up with

  4. Create a Facebook and Instagram page for your newsletter and use meta ads to drive new subscribers

  5. Chop up the content to use as tweets and LinkedIn posts, then schedule them to go out at a frequency of one or two per day on each platform

  6. Use an automation tool to follow/connect with people in your target market on X and LinkedIn. Be sure to unfollow anyone who doesn’t follow you back and withdraw any unanswered LinkedIn invites periodically

  7. Partner with other B2B micro-influencers in a boost group, where you agree to engage with each other’s tweets and posts, to hack the algorithm into thinking you’re popular. This is how almost all influencers grow their number of followers

  8. In your newsletters, write native-style ads to drive people towards your business. Don’t be too pushy, or you’ll scare off your readers

  9. Once you have thousands of subscribers, sell ads in your newsletter

How You Can Copy Me

Of course, I didn’t do all of this myself.

I approach every problem with the attitude of ‘who not how’.

Learning how to launch and grow a newsletter and grow my social media following would not have been the best use of my time.

So I hired a gun to do it for me.

It went so well, that we’ve started helping other Founders and CEOs execute the above playbook to build their own newsletters and personal brands.

The beauty of the system is that by driving subscribers/followers to your business via your new newsletter, we can very quickly provide a positive ROI on what you pay us.

You can check out the new service here.

If you’re interested in launching your own newsletter and building your personal brand as I have done, and you’re willing to invest $3k per month into it, you can book a discovery call directly with me here:
Book A Discovery Call

Until next time..
