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How To Turn $1k into $100m With Virtually Zero Effort

Imagine if you could turn $1k into $100m with less than 20 minutes of work.

Sounds too good to be true, right?

It’s possible.

However, there is a catch.

The 8th Wonder Of The World

The key to real wealth is compounding.

If you didn’t know that already, you haven’t done enough reading.

The second key to wealth is reading.

But I’ll save that preach for another day.

There are many ways to invest your money and compound your wealth, but the ‘safest’ way to do so is by simply putting your money into an index such as the S&P500.

The S&P500 has returned an average of 9.24% per year over the last 150 years.

$1k invested in the S&P500 150 years ago would be worth $571m today.

Many years ago I downloaded a compound interest calculator app, and I still use it at least once a week to remind myself of the power of compound interest.

I’d highly recommend doing the same, or you can spend some time playing with a free online calculator like this one.

Living Forever

A couple of years ago I went down a longevity rabbit hole after listening to the Lifespan Podcast by David Sinclair.

If you haven’t given it a listen, I’d highly recommend it to anyone who doesn’t want to die.

Eight one-hour episodes later and I was convinced that humans can live forever, and that it’ll be widely available and affordable within the next decade.

I mentioned it to a friend and his first response was - “it’ll be impossible for you to not be mega-rich if you live forever and leave your money in an index fund”.

So I ran the calculations.

If I put $1k into the S&P500 and leave it in there for 134 years, I’d have around $100m, assuming the S&P500 continues to grow at around 9% annually.

I Don’t Want To Be Old And Rich

I don’t envy Warren Buffett. He might be rich beyond comprehension, but he’s spent the majority of his life building that wealth, and very little of his life enjoying it.

I’m a bigger fan of the ‘die with zero’ philosophy. More on this another time.

So why would I consider waiting until I’m 166 years old to enjoy my money?

Well, I wouldn’t.

I believe the improvement in lifestyle between $10m and $100m is minimal, and I’d rather enjoy my money while I’m ‘young’ than be extra rich when I’m ‘old’.

But that’s not the point here.

The point is that if David Sinclair is right, and in the near future the majority of us will be able to make some relatively minor lifestyle changes and stop our biological age from increasing, then, in theory, I can live in the body of a 32-year-old forever.

If you could live in your current body for hundreds of years, without any of your features ageing, and you could have a very high chance of making hundreds of millions of dollars by simply staying patient, would you do it?

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Are You Crazy?

I can’t hear the word crazy without thinking of this quote..

Not that I’m crazy enough to change the world.

I am, however, crazy enough to believe that humans soon might be able to live forever.

And if that turns out to be true, I want to be in a position to take advantage of that.

Which means keeping my body healthy, and making sure that I can afford whatever magic pills or devices we’ll need to buy to make it happen.

Then becoming rich will be a matter of patience, rather than skill.

Would you choose to live for another 500 years in your current body?

Would you have the patience to wait 100+ years to become rich?

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