What I'm Consuming

I’m sure you’ve heard the Jim Rohn quote - ‘You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with’.

After reading Wanting by Luke Burgis and realising that most of human behaviour is driven by humans wanting to be like their favourite people, I believe that to be true.

However these days, I spend more time listening to my favourite podcast hosts than I do with many of my closest friends.

So I’m now a believer that you are the average of the five content creators whose content you consume the most.

With that in mind, isn’t it worth spending some time deciding which creators you most want to be like, and choosing your content accordingly?

I’ve always persisted that reading is one of the keys to success. The vast majority of successful people read a lot, and I don’t believe that to be a coincidence.

Now I believe that listening to the right podcasts, following the right people on X and watching the right YouTube videos to be as insightful and inspirational as reading.

What I’m Consuming


My First Million
How To Take Over The World

There are several others that I dip in and out of, but I’ve listened to pretty much every episode of the three above and would highly recommend them.


That Peter Crouch Podcast
The Rugby Pod

Favourite Follows:

Andrew Wilkinson
Shaan Puri
Paul Graham
Xavier Helgesen

I get a lot of ideas from scrolling X daily and would highly recommend it for keeping up with industry trends/competitors and for thought-provoking snippets.

Just be cautious of the ‘gurus’ who haven’t actually built anything themselves, but want you to believe they have so they can eventually sell you a course.


The 4-Hour Work Week
The Dhandho Investor
Zero To One
How To Get Rich
$100m Offers
Shoe Dog
Rich Dad Poor Dad
The Hard Thing About Hard Things
Winter Fortress
American Kingpin

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it includes some of the more memorable fiction and non-fiction books I have read.

New Service I’m Using

I’ve long been a fan of hiring remote workers in the Philippines. Some of the best workers I have hired are based there, and their salaries are a fraction of what we pay in the UK.

For several years we found those candidates ourselves, playing freelancer roulette on UpWork and the like. We had some great hires, but we also had a bad hire that cost us a lot of money.

Recently we’ve been using Shore Link, and I’m kicking myself that we didn’t use a service like theirs years ago.

With a recruiter on the ground in the Philippines, they have found us some exceptional candidates, even for highly skilled positions that I wasn’t sure we’d be able to hire for overseas.

Here is a list of positions we have successfully hired for in the Philippines:

Paid Ads Expert
Domain & Email Specialist
Data Scraping Manager
Virtual Assistant
Customer Service Manager

I loved Shore Link’s service so much, I recently invested in the business!

If you’d like to learn more about hiring overseas talent, you can book a discovery call with them here.

*This is a sponsored section, but I promote products/services that I love and use myself