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  • Which B2B Marketing Channels Are Performing Best In 2024?

Which B2B Marketing Channels Are Performing Best In 2024?

Every seasoned marketer knows that the B2B marketing landscape changes faster than a politician's promises after election day.

We’ve seen the cost per acquisition (CAC) on some platforms increase from $300-$1,200 in the space of a month.

If you’re not paying attention, your CAC could 4x and you could be losing money on every new client you bring on.

Fortunately for you, my agency Growth Yard manages 7-figures in ad spend for over 150 clients across almost every B2B marketing channel, so we can tell what is and isn’t working right now.

Today I’m going to share that data with you, and show you which B2B marketing platforms are performing best right now, as well as the numbers you should be aiming for.

The Top B2B Marketing Channels 2024

Here are the most effective marketing channels in 2024:

1. Cold Email
2. LinkedIn Outreach
3. Telemarketing
4. LinkedIn Ads
5. Meta Ads
6. Founder or Company Newsletter

Channel Breakdowns & Benchmarks

  1. Cold Email

    We have sent over 50 million cold emails for 2,500+ companies. No one knows more about cold email than us.

    Whilst it’s true that the effectiveness of cold email has declined considerably over the years, and that it has declined even further during 2024, cold email remains the most cost-effective channel for almost all B2B companies.

    Last month our average CAC via cold email for our own sales team was $176.

    We just created The Ultimate Cold Email Guide for 2024. You can download it for free here.

    Or if you want the experts to run a campaign for you, you can book a demo with one of our experts.

  1. LinkedIn Outreach

    LinkedIn outreach is back in 2024!

    We can all remember the days when our LinkedIn inbox was overflowing with awful DMs, so everyone just ignored them all.

    Then LinkedIn bought in tough restrictions and outlawed automation tools, and it all went quiet.

    But now it’s quiet, we’re reading our messages again. Turns out people don’t mind responding to one or two cold DMs a week.

    We’ve seen fantastic reply rates on LinkedIn over the past few months, experiencing a demo rate of around 0.5% (1 demo booked for every 200 messages).

    Yes, there are still limits so this doesn’t scale well. But it is super low cost, and who wouldn’t say no to a handful of cheap to acquire leads every month?

  2. Telemarketing

    Who would have thought it? Cold calling, one of the oldest lead generation tactics out there, making a comeback in 2024.

    We couldn’t quite believe it ourselves, but we started cold-calling a few months ago, and we’ve seen some phenomenal results. In some instances, we have seen demo booking rates as high as 6% (6 demos for every 100 calls made).

    The key is targeting.

    We recommend starting with your CRM, which is often full of ‘dead’ leads. You can find the phone numbers for those prospects using ZoomInfo or Cognism.

    Once you run out of those prospects, you can use the intent feature to find companies that have recently been searching for a service like yours, then find the relevant prospects at those companies, and then find their mobile number. Whilst these are cold calls, the hit rate is way higher.

    If you want to try telemarketing but can’t convince anyone on your team to make hundreds of cold calls, you can outsource it to one of our experienced telemarketers for just £1,495 a month.

    Talk to one of our telemarketing experts here.

  3. LinkedIn Ads

    So far in 2024 at Growth Yard, we have spent $108k on LinkedIn Ads. We’ve had 861 sales demos booked, for an average cost of $124 per demo. Our close rate is 27%, making our CAC $459.

    That’s just for our sales team.

    We’ve managed over 7 figures in ad spend for our clients, across a range of B2B industries. One of our clients just experienced a 7.2x ROAS in their first two months.

    Whilst the cost of LinkedIn Ads has risen by 43% in 2024, it still remains one of our cheapest and top-performing B2B marketing channels, and we wouldn’t survive without it.

    Of course, we do have a secret weapon. Our head strategist used to work for LinkedIn!

    They created a free guide, which you can download here: The Ultimate LinkedIn Ads Guide 2024.

    If you’re considering trying LinkedIn Ads at your company, you can book a call with one of our experts here.

  4. Meta Ads

    “Meta is for B2C, our audience isn’t on Meta!”

    If I had a penny for every time I’ve heard someone say that, I’d be able to afford to acquire at least one more subscriber to Lee’s List.

    But is it true?


    Think about it.

    Do you use Facebook or Instagram?

    Almost certainly.

    Are you a high-value prospect to some other B2B company?

    Very likely.

    Then your audience is on Meta. You just have to know how to target them.

    That’s where being clever with uploading custom lists of companies and prospects comes in.

    And the results can be great.

    Last month our sales team booked 28 demos in via Meta Ads, at an average cost of $78.

    Admittedly, the no-show rate was around 33% (nearly double our average no-show rate), and a few of them were bad-quality leads.

    But over half the calls were with qualified prospects.

    Meta is well worth considering in addition to your other marketing platforms. If nothing else, you should be retargeting your website visitors with ads across Meta. Super low hanging fruit.

    If you want to learn about how Meta Ads works for B2B companies, you can speak with our Meta Ads expert for free here.

  5. Founder or Company Newsletter

    As I explained last week, in the first 90 days of 2024, I grew Lee’s List to 1,600+ subscribers, my X to 1,500 followers and my LinkedIn to 4,000 followers.

    The total cost was less than $6k, and I have already generated double that in revenue.

    Whilst this is currently one of our smallest marketing channels, a 2x ROI isn’t to be sniffed at, and it could quite easily become a much larger part of our marketing mix.

    Plus, it costs me nothing to email that list now, and every time I do, we get more customers.

    It’s like a cheat code.

    You just have to put in a few months of work to get it going.

    If you want our team to do the leg work for you, book a call with our newsletter and personal branding expert.

If you have any questions, just reply to this email and I’ll get back to you :-)

Go get it!
